Rising moisture in masonry over a long period of time can lead to considerable damages. An indication of these damages is salt efflorescence, flaking plaster, moist wallpaper and the formation of mold which can be harmful. KÖSTER horizontal barriers stop rising moisture in new construction and existing buildings to protect the valuable building substance.
The protection in new constructions against rising moisture is key to a long lifespan of walls. Installing a horizontal barrier underneath walls will prevent the future rising moisture due to capillary action, and the consequently damage caused by rising damp, salts, and efflorescence.
Mold in living areas caused by moisture penetration and thermal bridges results in extensive health damage, because the mold releases its spores into the air, which are then inhaled by the inhabitants. A special Anti Mold System – which functions on a purely physical basis and which is free of fungicidal toxins, provides a permanent protection since mold can not grow on this conditions.
Rising moisture in masonry over a long period of time can lead to considerable damages. An indication of these damages is salt efflorescence, flaking plaster, moist wallpaper and the formation of mold which can be harmful. KÖSTER horizontal barriers stop rising moisture in new construction and existing buildings to protect the valuable building substance.
The protection in new constructions against rising moisture is key to a long lifespan of walls. Installing a horizontal barrier underneath walls will prevent the future rising moisture due to capillary action, and the consequently damage caused by rising damp, salts, and efflorescence.
Mold in living areas caused by moisture penetration and thermal bridges results in extensive health damage, because the mold releases its spores into the air, which are then inhaled by the inhabitants. A special Anti Mold System – which functions on a purely physical basis and which is free of fungicidal toxins, provides a permanent protection since mold can not grow on this conditions.
Deeply penetrating primer for damp and salt burdened substrates, immobilizes salts, consolidates sanding substrates
Concentrated, solvent free synthetic resin against capillary rising moisture in walls, independent of moisture content and salt contamination
2-component injection liquid for subsequent installation of horizontal barriers and for strengthening and solidifying masonry
2-component injection liquid for subsequent installation of damp proof horizontal barriers
Salt- and moisture resistant restoration plaster for inside and outside use
Grey, light, salt-resistant restoration plaster for the repair of moisture and salt burdened substrates for hand and machine application
White salt- and moisture resistant restoration plaster for inside and outside use for manual or machine application
Fast setting, white, salt- and moisture resistant restoration plaster for inside and outside use
White, light weight restoration plaster for salt- and moisture damaged masonry for hand or spray application for hand and machine application
Restoration plaster, thermal insulation plaster, and anti-mold plaster
Patented injection wick for the uniform distribution of KÖSTER Mautrol Liquid Sealant and KÖSTER Crisin 76
Deeply penetrating primer for damp and salt burdened substrates, immobilizes salts, consolidates sanding substrates
Concentrated, solvent free synthetic resin against capillary rising moisture in walls, independent of moisture content and salt contamination
2-component injection liquid for subsequent installation of horizontal barriers and for strengthening and solidifying masonry
2-component injection liquid for subsequent installation of damp proof horizontal barriers
Salt- and moisture resistant restoration plaster for inside and outside use
Grey, light, salt-resistant restoration plaster for the repair of moisture and salt burdened substrates for hand and machine application
White salt- and moisture resistant restoration plaster for inside and outside use for manual or machine application
Fast setting, white, salt- and moisture resistant restoration plaster for inside and outside use
White, light weight restoration plaster for salt- and moisture damaged masonry for hand or spray application for hand and machine application
Restoration plaster, thermal insulation plaster, and anti-mold plaster
Patented injection wick for the uniform distribution of KÖSTER Mautrol Liquid Sealant and KÖSTER Crisin 76